

The major Health inspection and quarantine aims to cultivating students who meet the needs of the development of public health undertakings in China and have knowledge and ability in basic medicine, clinical medicine and preventive medicine. At the same time they have a strong ability of professional theory and experimental operation in  health inspection and quarantinewhich can  make them engaged in health inspection, public health and frontier inspection and quarantine work in  the Entry-exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, the Customs, the Center for disease control and prevention, the Health Supervision Department, the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau, the Environmental Health Monitoring Department, the food and drug and cosmetic manufacturing enterprises, the social inspection institutions, the medical colleges and universities and other institutions. In the process of running the school, we should closely contact the industry and establish five industry alliances to jointly train professional talents. The curriculum system embodies the characteristics of optimizing the general curriculum, strengthening the specialty, emphasizing practice and seeking innovation. The practical teaching mode of "five-in-one" (experiment teaching, theory and reality integration teaching, virtual simulation teaching, field teaching, internship)is adopted in the teaching to train applied high-quality technical personnel in health inspection and quarantine.
